Online Prophetic School

Building a community of God's friends

Joel 2:28-29

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit.

Malachi 4:6

...And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers...

A Warm Welcome to You!

Welcome to the Online Prophetic School!

We are glad and privileged to have you visit our Online Prophetic School website.

It is our vision and desire to partner with the Spirit of God to impart simple yet revelatory teachings and materials through this website for those who are hungry and thirsty to have a deeper walk with God in the area of hearing God's voice.

We believe it is our birthright as God's children to be able to hear God's voice and especially in these turbulent times that we are living today, it is imperative that we have a closer walk with our God.

Through this Online Prophetic School platform, let us encourage one another to come together with a heart of humility and ask the Holy Spirit to be our teacher in this life-long journey of walking with God and communing with Him. As we sit at the feet of the Master, we pray that God will be pleased to impart His divine revelation to us and cause us to be drawn nearer to Him to hear and know His heartbeat.

Whether you are a beginner in the journey of hearing His voice or a seasoned prophet, we welcome you to join us in this journey of knowing Him and loving Him more dearly.

With much love and blessings,

Door to God's Heart

Door to God's Heart
Gabriel Hoffman

I saw the Lord Jesus come to me. He said, “Come, Father has something special for you.” Excited, I followed my Lord and Savior to the throne room. Father God was there in all His majestic glory. He greeted me with a smile. “Son,” He said, “It is time for you to choose your life and ministry.”

“Really?” I responded with joy and amazement. “Oh, Father! This is the day I have been waiting, preparing, and praying for. Is it really time?”

“Yes, My son. It is time, but you must choose wisely, for this will be your life’s work.”

Then I remembered that He was the “Lord” of my life. “But Father, what is your will for me?” He smiled. “Son, I have prepared you to serve Me in any number of ministries. The choice is yours. Truly I am giving you the freedom to choose from the set of options that I have prepared for you. Any of these will please Me, as long as you are faithful in how you carry them out. Do you understand?”

“Yes Father.” I replied, still too stunned to say anything more. Father then took me to a great golden door, and led me through. It opened to a corridor curving gently downhill and to the left. In the corridor stood a number of tables, each with an object on it. Beside each table was a door that exited the hallway.

But he answered, “It is written,

“‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

(Matthew 4:4)