Online Prophetic School

Building a community of God's friends

Joel 2:28-29

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit.

Malachi 4:6

...And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers...

A Warm Welcome to You!

Welcome to the Online Prophetic School!

We are glad and privileged to have you visit our Online Prophetic School website.

It is our vision and desire to partner with the Spirit of God to impart simple yet revelatory teachings and materials through this website for those who are hungry and thirsty to have a deeper walk with God in the area of hearing God's voice.

We believe it is our birthright as God's children to be able to hear God's voice and especially in these turbulent times that we are living today, it is imperative that we have a closer walk with our God.

Through this Online Prophetic School platform, let us encourage one another to come together with a heart of humility and ask the Holy Spirit to be our teacher in this life-long journey of walking with God and communing with Him. As we sit at the feet of the Master, we pray that God will be pleased to impart His divine revelation to us and cause us to be drawn nearer to Him to hear and know His heartbeat.

Whether you are a beginner in the journey of hearing His voice or a seasoned prophet, we welcome you to join us in this journey of knowing Him and loving Him more dearly.

With much love and blessings,

About the School

Yes, this is a FREE Online Prophetic School!

Firstly, this is a FREE Online Prophetic School. We do not ask for any payment for participating in this Online Prophetic School. (Just as we offer free personal prophecy on another site.)

The main thrust of this School is hearing God's voice. This is not the place to request for personal prophecy or to seek prophetic guidance. The School is designed to cater for any blood-bought followers of Christ Jesus. You do not need to have any pre-qualification as long as you have received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior into your life.

Our desire is to reach as many people as possible who would like to learn to hear God's voice and may not have the financial means to purchase such materials or have difficulty accessing such teachings.

Mode of delivery

At this initial stage, we are offering the school materials via weekly email correspondence. We hope to offer online streaming presentations of the School's materials in the near future. (For on-site classroom prophetic school, please browse the FAQ or contact us.)

Since it will be an online classroom environment, you can participate in this School from anywhere in the world as long as you have an Internet connection, an email address and a desire to learn to hear God's voice more clearly.

You will receive an email weekly containing teachings, activation exercises, group discussions, etc. Your growth and development in learning to hear God's voice will very much depend on your active participation in the weekly "classes".

Structure of the School

We have 2 courses on hearing God's voice.

A. All Can Hear course
This course is mainly on hearing God's voice based on our relationship with God.

B. All Can Prophesy course
This second course continues with hearing God's voice based on prophetic gifting. Only participants who have completed All Can Hear course may continue with All Can Prophesy course

Moderators of the School

Presently Benjamin will be teaching and moderating the Online Prophetic School's classes.

Participants who have completed both the All Can Hear and All Can Prophesy courses are welcome to contact us if you would like to practice and increase your prophetic gifting by volunteering your time and giftings in either offering free personal prophecy or to be a moderator of one of the Online Prophetic School classes.

If you have any other queries, please browse through our FAQ page and if you cannot find the answer you are looking for, feel free to contact us.
But he answered, “It is written,

“‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

(Matthew 4:4)